
Elasticsearch: CSV exporter for Kibana Discover

Ram Ganesan


Dec 23, 2015




We use Elasticsearch + Kibana for data analysis, and we love it. Very often, we share the results of our analysis with the team. Kibana expects us to visualize data in the form of graphs and charts, but some use cases are more tuned for data-table with raw filtered query results. Surprisingly, there is no way to export CSV or create a data table in Kibana. A quick Google search gave these results, not only us; many are waiting for this feature.



We did a quick hack to GTD in the startup way; we have written a chrome plugin, it injects the CSV export functionality in Kibana Discover tab.

Kibana DiscoverKibana Discover

Business Users: Go ahead install this plugin from the chrome web store.

Developers: Here is the Github link, and it is an open source project under MIT license. Please go ahead and tweak for you need. It would be great if you can provide a link back to this blog from the places you refer.

Future: We can write an elasticsearch plugin and pair it with this chrome plugin to make it powerful. We know Kibana team is trying to solve this problem in a holistic way, it takes time, so we thought this might help users like us. Let us know, what you think?

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